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10 Reasons To Use a Wash and Fold Laundry Service

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It’s that time of the week again when you have gone through all your underwear and freshly smelling shirts… Guess it’s finally time you took care of the huge pile of laundry that you have been tirelessly trying to put off because you now have no more options. You’re going to have to go with that one outfit that just doesn’t fit right or that pair of pants and shirt that don’t match.Making time for laundry can be hectic and tiresome. Does it always seem like you run out of clothes at the worst possible times? That is why we have found a Wash and Fold Laundry service to be the perfect solution. Think about it! It may be the answer to all your problems. You drop off your laundry by 10 AM and we have it ready for you by 5PM the same day! You can’t get much better than that.Still skeptical? No worries, here are 10 reasons why you need to start using a Wash and Fold service today!


Getting low on clean clothes? No problem! Drop it off before 10 AM Monday – Friday (most stores even have weekend hours) and pick it up after 5 PM, the same day. That leaves your entire day to run errands, go to the office or just spend time with friends and family, with laundry being the least of your worries.

Time Saver

Think about it. How many hours a week does it take you to get through washing, drying and folding your laundry? The options of how you could fill that time with the things you love doing are endless. With Wash and Fold you can eliminate an inconvenient, time consuming chore from your life.


Fresh Clothes

One of the worst things is when you forget to clean your favorite shirt or pair of dress pants and you have nothing to wear for the big event in your life. With Wash and Fold you can keep your clothes fresh without finding a couple hours of time that it takes to do laundry.

Flexible Schedule

With our Wash and Fold Service we have flexible hours to help accommodate your hectic schedule. Most laundry services you have to pick a day and stick with it, but with us you can choose when you want to bring us your laundry. No commitments.

Expert Attention

By bringing your laundry to us, you are ensuring that it will get the best care and attention. No need to fret about color sorting, stains or the right amount of fabric softener and detergent. Our laundry experts take great care of your belongings and ensure they get back to you clean and in great shape.

Monthly Bills

By using our services you will see a decrease in your energy costs and water and can expect a smaller utility bill.


No Folding

That’s right, you read that correctly! No more folding. We take care of the folding so it is ready to put away the minute you walk in the door. No more worrying about matching up socks or getting your shirts folded perfectly.


No more Laundromats

Those of you who make frequent trips to the laundromat have to wait hours for your laundry to be finished. Our Wash and Fold service is perfect for you! No more trips to the laundromat and sitting around fighting for a machine.


Machine repairs

No more worries about your machine acting up on you or not working correctly.

Sudden influx of dirty clothes

Did you just get back from vacation or a business trip and have suitcases of clothes? We got you covered. No need to spend hours of your last few days before going back to work or your entire evening doing laundry.

So, there you have it, 10 reasons why you should be using CD One Price Cleaners Wash and Fold service. Check out this infographic for a breakdown of how our Wash and Fold service can make your life easier and add a few more hours back into your week. Visit our website to find your local store. What are you waiting for? Bring in your laundry today!


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